About This Commodity
Lab Animals, primarily small animals used for research.
Lab Animals purchases must be approved by the respective Campus Lab Animal Research Center Office. Consult your Campus office for related policies/procedures.
The University of Missouri has established a pre-qualified list of suppliers for Lab Animals. See the included list.
Payment and Processing Methods
- If purchasing from a contracted supplier, bids and sole source justification are not required.
- Purchases less than $5,000 may be purchased using the University One Card.
- If the cost is over $5,000 a PeopleSoft Non-Catalog requisition must be entered and a purchase order processed by UM Procurement.
- If there will be multiple purchases made over a period of time, a blanket purchase order should be requested.
- When a University purchase order is issued, invoices with the PO# clearly notated should be sent to Accounts Payable for processing.