About This Commodity
Charter services include charter air flights and similar transportation services. For services that are needed on an ongoing or long-term basis, contact UM Procurement to establish a contract for services.
Charter Air - UM currently has a few companies on contract to provide Charter Air service. Contact the Sourcing Contract for more information.
Insurance Requirements: Companies providing charter services must have adequate insurance and safety records on file before performing services.
Payment and Processing Methods
- If the cost is less than $5,000, you may use your OneCard for payment.
- If a signature is required on an agreement or confirmation, you will need to submit the agreement to the Sourcing Contact for signature prior to the trip.
- If the cost is over $5,000, you must submit a PeopleSoft requisition and attached any agreement that needs to be signed.
- If there will be multiple purchases made over a period of time, a blanket purchase order should be requested.
- When a University purchase order is issued, invoices with the PO# clearly notated should be sent to Accounts Payable for processing.