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Conference Registration/Events/Hospitality


About This Commodity

This category includes conference registration fees, purchase of supplies and meals for interviewees/speakers, meeting expenses, visitor's lodging, department coordinated student events and other authorized expenditures related to the mission of the university.

Conference Registration Fees - If travel to a conference has been approved by the appropriate source, conference registration fees may be paid with the OneCard. 

Expenses related to hosting Conferences and related services must follow procurement guidelines. Purchases over $10,000 require competitive quotes, or written bid requests with detailed specifications prepared by UM Procurement. Any supplier required agreements MUST be reviewed and approved by UM Procurement PRIOR to the event.

Other Details

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Location-specific content

  • This category includes conference registration fees, purchase of supplies and meals for interviewees/speakers, meeting expenses, visitor's lodging, department coordinated student events and other authorized expenditures related to the mission of the university.

    Conference Registration Fees - If travel to a conference has been approved by the appropriate source, conference registration fees may be paid with the OneCard. 

    Expenses related to hosting Conferences and related services must follow procurement guidelines. Purchases over $10,000 require competitive quotes, or written bid requests with detailed specifications prepared by UM Procurement. Any supplier required agreements MUST be reviewed and approved by UM Procurement PRIOR to the event.