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How do I buy...

Fuel - Gasoline & Diesel


About This Commodity

Departments may purchase fuel for University owned vehicles from their respective University Fuel Pumps or by using the University's WEX card.  

  • Fuel for University owned equipment (lawn mowers, other equipment, etc.) may be purchased using the University One Card.
  • Fuel for non-University owned vehicles may be purchased using the University One Card.
  • The University of Missouri has established a pre-qualified list of suppliers for bulk fuel purchases.  See the included list. 



Payment and Processing Methods

  • Purchases over $10,000 and NOT from a contracted supplier, will require competitive bidding with detailed specifications prepared by UM Procurement.  Submit a PeopleSoft non-catalog Requisition and attach specifications, or contact the Strategic Sourcing Specialist listed for assistance. 
  • When a University purchase order is issued, invoices with the PO# clearly notated should be sent to Accounts Payable for processing.  

Other Details

Sourcing contact

PS Accounts

  • 730900

Location-specific content

  • Departments may purchase fuel for University owned vehicles from their respective University Fuel Pumps or by using the University's WEX card.  

    • Fuel for University owned equipment (lawn mowers, other equipment, etc.) may be purchased using the University One Card.
    • Fuel for non-University owned vehicles may be purchased using the University One Card.
    • The University of Missouri has established a pre-qualified list of suppliers for bulk fuel purchases.  See the included list.