About This Commodity
Marketing Services and Advertisements, including any services promoting the University of Missouri or any affiliated program, which may also include billboard, print ads, radio/TV, etc. on behalf of the University.
Does not include Promotional items. See Promotional Items.
UM Procurement has established a pre-qualified list of suppliers for Marketing Services. Please consult the list to select a pre-qualified supplier when obtaining Marketing Services.
All advertisements on behalf of the University using the University trademarks, name, and graphics must comply with university standards. All questions regarding these standards should be addressed to the appropriate licensing office.
Sponsorships agreements are processed by the appropriate campus Contract office. Select the respective campus link. See also Sponsorship Agreements.
Payment and Processing Methods
- If purchasing from a contracted supplier, bids and sole source justification are not required.
- If the anticipated amount of the order exceeds $10,000, departments should request quotes from three (3) or more of the contracted suppliers and select the supplier with the best overall value. Once a supplier is selected the department and supplier must develop a scope of work. The department will enter a requisition and attach the scope of work for processing by the Sourcing Specialist.
- Documents requiring a signature or with terms and conditions MUST be attached to a PeopleSoft Non-Catalog requisition and submitted to a Sourcing Contact for signature PRIOR to acquisition of services. Signatures by an individual department are prohibited.
- Once approval has been obtained, if the purchase is less than $5000, the University OneCard can be used. If the cost is over $5,000 a PeopleSoft Non-Catalog requisition must be entered and processed by UM Procurement .
- If there will be multiple purchases made over a period of time, a blanket purchase order should be requested.
- When a University purchase order is issued, invoices with the PO# clearly notated should be sent to Accounts Payable for processing.