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How do I buy...

Promotional Items


About This Commodity

Promotional items may include items such as t-shirts, coffee mugs, mouse pads, pens, and other small dollar items given to promote an event or department. 

The University of Missouri System has established a pre-qualified list of suppliers for Promotional Products.  See the included list for each respective campus.  Departments are strongly encouraged to use a supplier on one of these lists.

All promotional products using the University trademarks, name, and graphics must comply with university standards and must have the appropriate campus licensing approval. All questions regarding these standards should be addressed to the appropriate licensing office.   

MU Licensing & Trademarks

S&T Licensing & Trademarks

UMKC Licensing & Trademarks

UMSL Licensing & Trademarks


Payment and Processing Methods

  • If purchasing from a contracted supplier, bids and sole source justification are not required. 
  • If the purchase is less than $5000, the University OneCard can be used. 
  • If the cost is over $5,000 a PeopleSoft Non-Catalog requisition must be entered and a purchase order processed by UM Procurement. 
  • Purchases over $10,000 and NOT from a contracted supplier, will require competitive bidding with detailed specifications prepared by UM Procurement.  Submit a PeopleSoft non-catalog Requisition and attach specifications, or contact the Strategic Sourcing Specialist listed for assistance. 
  • If there will be multiple purchases made over a period of time, a blanket purchase order should be requested. 
  • When a University purchase order is issued, invoices with the PO# clearly notated should be sent to Accounts Payable for processing.  


Other Details

Sourcing contact

PS Accounts

  • 725000

Location-specific content

  • Promotional items may include items such as t-shirts, coffee mugs, mouse pads, pens, and other small dollar items given to promote an event or department. 

    The University of Missouri System has established a pre-qualified list of suppliers for Promotional Products.  See the included list for each respective campus.  Departments are strongly encouraged to use a supplier on one of these lists.

    All promotional products using the University trademarks, name, and graphics must comply with university standards and must have the appropriate campus licensing approval. All questions regarding these standards should be addressed to the appropriate licensing office.   

    MU Licensing & Trademarks

    S&T Licensing & Trademarks

    UMKC Licensing & Trademarks

    UMSL Licensing & Trademarks