About This Commodity
Each campus Environmental Safety office maintains a radioisotope license. In accordance with this license, all radioisotopes MUST be shipped to the respective Environmental Safety Department. The purchase of radioactive materials shall be made only for those having an active authorization issued by Environmental Health and Safety and/or the Campus Radiation Safety Committee for the material, quantity and form being requested.
Contact one of the following individuals for questions or approval:
- Dennis Elmore, Director-(xxxxxxx)
- xxxx. Radiation Safety Officer xxx
Kansas City
- xxxxx, Director-(816)-235-1157
- Mary Donahue, Health Physicist-(816)-235-6096
- Michelle Bresnahan, Director-(573)-341-4305
- Tony Hunt, Assistant Director – (573) 341-4305
St. Louis
- Brian Ferris (314)-516-6362
Payment and Processing Methods
- If purchasing from a contracted supplier, bids and sole source justification are not required.
- Purchases under $5000 use the University One Card.
- Purchases over $10,000 and NOT from a contracted supplier, will require competitive bidding with detailed specifications prepared by UM Procurement. Submit a PeopleSoft non-catalog Requisition and attach specifications, or contact the Strategic Sourcing Specialist listed for assistance.
- If there will be multiple purchases made over a period of time, a blanket purchase order should be requested.
- When a University purchase order is issued, invoices with the PO# clearly notated should be sent to Accounts Payable for processing.