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Data Access & Subscription Services


About This Commodity

Subscription services and data access documents requiring a signature or with terms and conditions MUST be submitted to UM Procurement for signature by an Authorized University representative PRIOR to acquisition of the services.  Signatures by an individual department are prohibited.

If the purchase is less than $5,000, the OneCard may be used in accordance with University Policy 12004. If the purchase is over $5,000, submit a PeopleSoft Non-Catalog Requisition and attach any agreements, proposals, and/or quotes for review.

Consult the Data Classification System for additional information.

Other Details

Related Policies

Location-specific content

  • Subscription services and data access documents requiring a signature or with terms and conditions MUST be submitted to UM Procurement for signature by an Authorized University representative PRIOR to acquisition of the services.  Signatures by an individual department are prohibited.

    If the purchase is less than $5,000, the OneCard may be used in accordance with University Policy 12004. If the purchase is over $5,000, submit a PeopleSoft Non-Catalog Requisition and attach any agreements, proposals, and/or quotes for review.

    Consult the Data Classification System for additional information.

    Specific policy for all locations