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Commodities for this category

Background Checks

Submitted by vestt on

Background checks for new employees, volunteers and as required by policy, such as child/youth programs.

The University has an agreement with Sterling Infosystems, if any other supplier is needed, contact the sourcing contact for assistance.

Staffing - Temporary & Permanent Placement of Medical Professionals (SOM only)

Submitted by vestt on

Temporary and Permanent Placement of medical professionals (i.e. Locum Tenens, Recruiting Services, Contingent and Direct Placement Services)  may be acquired through existing contracts. 

Contact the SOM Recruitment Office and Sourcing Specialist for additional information. 


Coding and Auditing Vendors

Submitted by vestt on

Coding and Auditing Services used by University of Missouri School of Medicine, University Physicians, and others to provide coding and auditing services during volume increase and short-staff times. Coding and auditing service needs will vary according to each specific project.

Graphic Design Services

Submitted by vestt on

The University of Missouri System has established a pre-qualified list of suppliers for graphic design services. Our recommended vendors can provide graphic design services to campus units. They represent a wide range of services* to provide you with options that best meet your needs.

Marketing Services and Advertising Buys

Submitted by vestt on

Marketing Services and Advertisements, including any services promoting the University of Missouri or any affiliated program, which may also include billboard, print ads, radio/TV, etc. on behalf of the University.  

Does not include Promotional items.  See Promotional Items. 

UM Procurement has established a pre-qualified list of suppliers for Marketing Services. Please consult the list to select a pre-qualified supplier when obtaining Marketing Services. 

Legal Counsel Fees (including Immigration Services)

Submitted by vestt on

Any agreement to retain outside counsel for any activity must be reviewed and approved by University Office of General Counsel prior to work being performed.  The Office of General Counsel will assign an attorney to supervise the outside representation.  Agreements shall be processed and signed by the office designated with delegation on each campus.  Please submit the contracts to the appropriate office listed.

Automotive Supplies & Services

Submitted by umadmin on

Automotive parts for University owned vehicles and automotive equipment - including tires, mechanical repairs, and any parts for University owned vehicles.


Insurance requirements – Any supplier who is performing work on University property MUST have a current certificate of insurance on file with UM Procurement. Contact UM Procurement before proceeding with any of this type of work.

Charter Air Services

Submitted by umadmin on

Charter services include charter air flights and similar transportation services.  For services that are needed on an ongoing or long-term basis, contact UM Procurement to establish a contract for services.

Charter Air - UM currently has a few companies on contract to provide Charter Air service.  Contact the Sourcing Contract for more information.

Insurance Requirements: Companies providing charter services must have adequate insurance and safety records on file before performing services. 

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