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Click-Through Agreements (Pilot Program)

Submitted by vestt on

In an effort to streamline the purchasing process for IT click-through agreements, a 90-day pilot program was implemented on June 1, 2024, for use by the campuses.

Definition of Click-Through Agreements: 

Contracts, generally associated with online transactions and software, where one party sets up a proposed electronic form agreement to which another party may assent by clicking an icon or a button or by typing in a set of specified words.  Click-Through Agreements are also known as click-wrap agreements. 

Copier/Multifunction Devices and Supplies

Submitted by umadmin on

Copy Machines and Multi-Function Devices (MFDs) that serve as a printer, scanner, copier and/or fax machine.   Some MFD devices may be purchased from State of Missouri statewide contracts (see list provided).  

The respective campus IT department will need to be involved with the purchase as devices are typically connected to the University's network.

Maintenance on the device should be considered at the time the machine is purchased.

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