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How do I buy...


Food Trucks

Submitted by vestt on

MU Campus departments who wish to have a Food Truck available for use must follow MU campus guidelines.  Food trucks must complete an application, work with the reservations office, and obtain a temporary food permit.  Contact EH&S for more information.

Sam's Club

Submitted by vestt on

Before making a purchase from Sam's Club, departments should check the Show Me Shop catalogs for the item(s) needed, or consult with a Strategic Sourcing Specialist to determine if another option for purchase exists. If no other source is available, orders may be placed following the campus specific processes.


IN-STORE PURCHASES (Preferred for Columbia)

Catering Services

Submitted by umadmin on

Catering Services are defined as food prepared and served at a University sponsored events by an outside business.

See the attached list of pre-approved catering vendors.

Select the appropriate campus link above for information specific to your campus.

Insurance requirements – A certificate of insurance from the caterer is required regardless of the event location.  Liquor liability should be included on the insurance certificate if alcohol is being served.


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